Last station

It's always difficult to choose a "title", somewhere I read that even for translators it is often the most difficult part of their work, indeed it must not be easy at all to summarize in a few words "all the meaning".

    Even for me it was not immediate the choice of the title to give to this blog: the first ideas followed things too often heard around, sounded bad and did not grasp "my meaning" in any way.

    However, all of sudden my thoughts have returned to a short story by Wang Anyi that I read a few summers ago, "The destination" (本次列车重点).

The "last station" is the one we all hope to reach, it is the stability that is missing, it is the much desired destination. But the last station is also the moment of nostalgia for all we have left behind, it is the moment when our imagination begins to walk other ways and we begin to envy the other stations that we could have reached only "if "...

    Meanwhile, the things of life continue to flow over time, notwithstanding our thoughts begin to create strange tangles. We continue to turn on ourselves, while we, and everything around us, continue to move on and on towards our next station.

Wang Anyi - Destination


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